Monitor lake temperatures, levels and clarity. Reporting to DNR
Monitor and collaborate with local government agencies for Invasive Species. Maintaining Emergency Fund for designation if prompt action should invasive species are found.
Provide educational materials and information to Lake Association members in regards to: shoreline management, fish sticks, fish hatcheries and more.
Point of contact with the County and DNR regarding lake concerns.
Fund special needs, lake studies, boat inspection and invasive species fund.
Please remember, we need your financial support. In an effort to encourage you to help, we have created a new Association dues structure: Membership LevelTax Deductible Dues Goose Level $30 Loon Level $50 Eagle Level $100 So, please help by becoming a Silver Lake Association member. Remember, the Silver Lake Association is a 501(c)(3) organization, any money paid is tax deductible. Dues should be sent to: Silver Lake Association P.O. Box 503 Cumberland, WI 54829 Please, include your mailing name and address if it is different than what is shown on your check.
Current Board Members:
Rob Fillmore - President Randy Harris - Vice President Steve Knudson - Treasurer Julie Geason - Secretary At - Large Members: Matt Wenzel Shane Grivna - Communications/Website Bob Wellhoefer